
PASCAL - Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning

http://www.pascal-network.org/ パターン認識とか。 To recover from speech recognition errors in spoken document retrieval

Unsupervised segmentation of words into morphemes Challenge 2005

http://www.cis.hut.fi/morphochallenge2005/ 教師なし形態素分割のコンペ。

An Optimal DNA Segmentation Based on the MDL Principle (ResearchIndex)

http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/646630.html MDL 基準のDNA分割 @misc{ szpankowski-optimal, author = "Wojciech Szpankowski and Wenhui Ren and Lukasz Szpankowski", title = "An Optimal DNA Segmentation Based on the MDL Principle", url = "citeseer.…

Unsupervised Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation

http://www.iccs.informatics.ed.ac.uk/~osborne/msc-projects/siriwan.pdf 過去の研究のレビューがしっかりしてる。


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